The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

by 1234567890num

Part 39: Widespread Fear

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're still in the clear.
We have the wind on our side. The direction is perfect. The timer has been set to two minutes; once airborne, GUILT will spread all over the city.
Our next target is the station. Let's move.
Yes... Let Operation Hades begin. Sinners, prepare for your journey to your final resting place!
For the glory of Delphi!

"Terrorist activity is suspected! Support teams are being requested by the federal government. All emergency team personnel are to prepare for immediate dispatch!"

What!? Damn... They've done it...
Didn't the cops have 'em practically cornered!? They must have gotten desperate!
GUILT outbreaks in multiple locations... How many people have been affected!?
I don't know, but we need to hurry!
Right, Doctor!

S-So many people have collapsed! Are they all GUILT victims!?
Some of the test results are coming in now! ...Chiral reactions are positive. It should be Tetarti!


Chief, we need to start treating people, now!
Derek, wait! We just received information from the other districts. There are reports of patients in critical condition coming from at least four city blocks! We need to divide our team up and begin treatment! Clarks and Sears, head to the central area.
Understood. Let's move, Leslie!

*Clarks and Leslie leave*

Chase and Ross, there's an area marked south of here. You two head over there!
...No, wait a second, Chief Kasal!
This is Heather's first experience dealing with GUILT. Dr. Stiles is more familiar with the disease, so... I think she should work with him. That way, I can assist Dr. Chase with our treatment should be more effective!
Ms. Thompson...

Angie actually being considerate?!

Very well. Angie, please head south with Dr. Chase. Hurry!
Yes! Dr. Stiles, you'll have to take care of Ms. Ross!
No problem!
You two head north to the commercial district. Good luck!
Alright, let's go, Heather!
Yes, sir!
There are so many infected... They must have dispersed GUITL into the air. We have to stop it from causing any more damage!

That doesn't look north to me...

Ngh...! Is it this bad everywhere!? Heather, we have to begin!
I'm ready...! But, Doctor, can Caduceus handle this many patients!?
Right now... we don't have a choice!

Despite what the story implied, we only have one patient in this operation.

Heather, try to stay calm.
Y-Yes, I'm sorry! Let's begin the briefing. This patient is infected with the GUILT called "Tetarti." Preliminary tests show that there are already poisonous polyps formed on the liver's outer skin. There is one objective for this operation: Doctor...
Don't worry, I won't let this kid die!
Yes, Doctor!

Operation Video

W-Well, let's get started.
Just relax for a second, and take a deep breath.
I know that you're probably nervous, being that this is your first GUILT operation... But don't worry. Just assist me as you would on a normal operation.
...Understood, Dr. Stiles.
Great. Let's begin!

In Tetarti operations, it's best to use HT right at the beginning.

Otherwise, you'll waste a lot of its duration waiting for Tetarti to turn white.

Everything is pretty simple, as per the usual Tetarti operation.

Chiral reaction is decreasing drastically. If we continue at this pace, we'll--

Welp. Guess there's nothing we can do.

D-Dr. Stiles! Tetarti has resurfaced, but... it's a color we haven't seen before! What are we supposed to do!? There's no time to ready a new serum! The patient will--
Don't worry, Heather. We already have a new serum ready for it. An antigen sample was found that Delphi had left behind at their hideout.
An antigen sample?
Yes, it was a premature sample of the fifth color of Tetarti. R&D created a serum from it.
Then... we'll be able to save this patient!
Exactly. Let's continue eliminating Tetarti!

Never mind. We're in the clear. How convenient!

With 5 colors out of 3 Tetarti, there are 24 possible combinations. That's 6 times as many as with 4 colors, and 24 times as many as with 3 colors.

That said, 24 times 0 is still 0. Tetarti might move faster as we keep treating them, but they still shouldn't be an issue.

...Eradication of Tetarti has been confirmed. I'm so glad... Dr. Stiles, let's close him up.

Honestly, Tetarti operations are some of the easiest to get XS in.

Dr. Stiles... Are you sure you're alright? That was your eighth surgery... Shouldn't you take a few minutes to--
There are too many lives in danger! I need to keep going!
Doctor... If only we had a little support...
I know you must be exhausted, but hang in there!
...I know, Dr. Stiles. I'll assist you until we're done!
That's the spirit! Now, please sanitize the operating table for the next procedure!
Right away, Doctor!

...Dr. Niguel...!?
The charts say the infection type is Tetarti!
Alright. Then, why don't you give this stuff a shot...?
What is this...? Some kind of new medicine?
Yeah, it's that "weapon" developed by the Hands of Asclepius, in conjunction with Acropolis... According to them, it's a serum that genetically induces necrosis in GUILT.

Necrosis is the death of most/all cells in an organ/tissue.

Really...!? But, have its effects been tested?
Yeah... It arrived with a report from none other than Professor Blackwell. It still pisses me off that those HOA bastards managed to come up with this... But all the same, this is a real GUILT killer. Just confirm what strain of GUILT you're dealing with, and administer the appropriate serum!
Got it. Heather, go ahead and bring in the patient!
Right away!

I never imagined having to bring you into this...
I don't have as much stamina as I used to, but I'm glad I was able to get through all the patients. It seems the HOA's doctors were put to the test, as well.
Yes, I heard they brought in more than 50 surgeons.

Sidney is too tired to use proper grammar

But, the damage was kept to a minimum because of the HOA's efforts as well as that serum.
I'm glad to hear that. I have to say, their new medication is impressive.
Yes, but I've also heard some things about that serum... Rumor has it Mr. Mercer used his connections to get it pushed through the approval process... I hope that no side effects emerge as a result.
I agree. They're saying that this will end the war on GUILT... I just hope that will be the case.
Me too, although I think it's still early to let our guard down.

"While several patients remain in critical condition, doctors assure us of a survival rate of 100%. Many are lauding this success as a miracle, but the reality is more scientific, and less divine. The Hands of Asclepius have come forward with a new serum they claim will end the GUILT threat. HOA CEO, Patrick Mercer, was on hand at a press conference held shortly after the emergency. He stated, 'the GUILT virus will soon become a footnote in the history of our nation.' The HOA has succeeded in ending its threat, and all that remains is the terrorists' apprehension."

Mercer stole Angie's comment about footnotes!

Turn it off...
My lord?
I said, turn it off!
Y-Yes, sir!
How... How did our GUILT... There was no way Operation Hades could end in failure...! We released concentrated GUILT at the perfect locations... Does this mean that the teachings of Adam are false!?
The Hands of Asclepius... And Acropolis, too... My vengeance shall be swift...!

Spoiler: Heinrich will do jack shit to HOA and Acropolis.